Textile Playground

I love painting and making patterns, but sometimes it can be a bit hard with no real software for the purpose and making them by hand, although a lot of fun, definitely comes with it’s own challenges. Like not being able to go back and change mistakes or ideas as easily.


That is why when I discovered that Ikea has created an online playground for nerdy pattern-lovers as myself, I went a little.. crazy. The evening has disappeared while I’ve been doodling away and I’d thought I’d stop for a minute to share some of the favourite patterns I’ve made so far.


Do you have a craving to do something creative, or just want to have some fun making doodles? Go ahead and try it out by clicking HERE.


Some snapshots of what I’ve been up to these past couple of weeks.

Harbour Bridge, Sydney. Spent the day with some Swedish friends!


Copacabana beach on a day with big waves, got so much salt in my eyes!


Sneaky snap of Matt when he was cooking and I was out taking photos.


The view just outside our flat, I love just looking out over the bay as the sun is setting.


Walking through a park on our way home from town.

Spring at the wrong time of year


Spring is here in Australia, just as my mind and body starts to gear up for autumn, my favourite season. It is a peculiar thing to reset ones seasonal clock. It is one thing to reset the body clock, struggling through jet lag after travelling all the way from Sweden to Australia, but getting accustomed to the fact that January is indeed now the height of summer or that October(!) is spring.. that, is another thing entirely.

Little by little, though, I am getting used to life here. I have discovered so many new places and learned to appreciate new things instead of other things that I miss from home. Morning walks along the waterfront that is right on my doorstep, a short train trip and I am in Sydney where I can wander through Newtown’s vintage shops and cafés or if I am not feeling too adventurous just a simple thing like getting some fish & chips and go sit on a beach somewhere watching the waves roll in.

I do however miss my family and friends back home a great deal, that is why I am over the moon excited about my parents arriving in less than a week! It is going to be so much fun showing them around in this place that is now my home. Mostly though, I am just happy that I am going to get to spend a lot of time with them, it has been over a year after all.

What is the season where you live, spring or autumn? And which is your favourite time of the year?

The Slow Regard of Silent Things by Patrick Rothfuss

Wanton Creation

Long-time readers of my blog will know that I have been an enormous fan of Patrick Rothfuss since his first book, The Name of The Wind, was published back in 2007. The first part of an epic fantasy trilogy, I was breath-taken by his beautiful and poetic way with words and the way he combined so many disciplines of thought in his writing to create a story which was genuinely unique – a rare feat in this day and age. The second book, the even more epic thousand pager The Wise Man’s Fear was at least as good as his first novel, achieved huge critical and commercial success and has for years left many of us patiently waiting for the final part of this story.

The Slow Regard of Silent ThingsIn the meantime, he has released a novella called The Slow Regard of Silent Things, based entirely around the character of Auri. Auri is an…

View original post 975 more words

A roadtrip and a wedding

This weekend me and my family drove some 1000 km up to more northern parts of Sweden to attend my uncle’s wedding, here are some photos from the adventure, filled with breathtaking nature and a gorgeous wedding couple! 😉 Warning for photo overload & click for bigger versions.

The sun setting behind the mountains.

The sun setting behind the mountains.

The Åre valley seen from Copper Hill.

The Åre valley seen from Copper Hill.

Sauna by the lake at the hidden gem Hytta.

Sauna by the lake at the hidden gem Hytta.

Moon rising behind the trees.

Moon rising behind the trees.

The sun painting the trees in copper and gold.

The sun painting the trees in copper and gold.

The happy couple!

The happy couple!

Beautiful bride.

Beautiful bride.

Lake view painted in autumn colours.

Lake view painted in autumn colours.

View of Åre valley during the early morning hours just as we were leaving.

View of Åre valley during the early morning hours just as we were leaving.

Me & Linda after a quick stop to eat our sandwhiches.

Me & Linda after a quick stop to eat our sandwhiches.

Hope you enjoyed the photos! Now it’s time for bed (as it has been for a few hours now..)

Goodnight everyone! 🙂

We stumbled upon a graveyard

One of the things that fascinated me with London was all the green places, especially the unkempt ones. I noticed when I got back home that most of my photos weren’t very typical London tourist photos.. but that also represents this trip very well – it wasn’t one of those trips. It was a magical ten days of exploring. On many levels.

A beautiful and kind of enchanting graveyard that we found when looking for Camley Street Natural Park.

A beautiful and kind of enchanting graveyard that we found when looking for Camley Street Natural Park.

A flower in the graveyard.

A flower in the graveyard.

A cute little ladybug I found in the graveyard.

A cute little ladybug I found in the graveyard.

A tree. And beautiful light.

A tree. And beautiful light.

My feet. Oh, and some pretty autumn leaves.

My feet. Oh, and some pretty autumn leaves.

Finally we found Camley Street Natural Park. It was beautiful.

Finally we found Camley Street Natural Park. It was beautiful.

Who knew you could find things like this in the midst of Londons heart?

Who knew you could find things like this in the midst of Londons heart?

A hairytale

When I decided to colour my hair I wasn’t sure for how long I’d keep it that way. I’m still not sure of course, but it has really grown on me, even though I loved my blonde hair this new red just feels.. like me. As if I was born with it. Either way I am really happy with the colour and the fairytale sort of vibe that it creates 🙂

Maybe I'll continue to colour it and let my hair grow really long. Now that would be a fairytale to me.. flowing red hair that went beyond my waist.

Maybe I’ll continue to colour it and let my hair grow really long. Now that would be a fairytale to me.. flowing red hair that went beyond my waist.

It's also more fun for some reason to braid it and create hairdos since it became red :P

It’s also more fun for some reason to braid it and create hairdos since it became red 😛

Photo overload

Hampstead Heath was one of those places I just really wanted to visit. And as it turned out it was a magical place, it felt like we were walking around in a fairytale all day.. Click the images for a better view

This swan was on of the very first things that greeted us when we came to Hampstead Heath.

This swan was one of the very first things that greeted us when we came to Hampstead Heath.

As it then turned out we went back to the little town in search of a new, bigger memory card for my camera, since I realised the one I had wouldn't get me far. This i one of the exciting places we passed on the way.

As it then turned out we went back to the little town in search of a new, bigger memory card for my camera, since I realised the one I had wouldn’t get me far. This i one of the exciting places we passed on the way.

Another place we passed as we wandered around (quite lost for a while).

Another place we passed as we wandered around (quite lost for a while).

Then we finally arrived at the heath again. This view greeted us :)

Then we finally arrived at the heath again. This view greeted us 🙂

A young boy on his way home from school. I just thought there was something very cinematic with this image.. and quite lovely! :)

A young boy on his way home from school. I just thought there was something very cinematic with this image.. and quite lovely! 🙂

My dear companion acted photographer under my strict orders ;)

My dear companion acted photographer under my strict orders 😉

More children on their way home from school :P

More children on their way home from school 😛

I can't get over all the amazing scenery.. it was everywhere!

I can’t get over all the amazing scenery.. it was everywhere!

Who'd have thought London could be such a jungle?

Who’d have thought London could be such a jungle?

Trails and pathways everywhere..

Trails and pathways everywhere..

This tree belongs in a fairytale!

This tree belongs in a fairytale!

I don't know but there is something highly enchanting with these tiny, hidden pathways..

I don’t know but there is something highly enchanting with these tiny, hidden pathways..

So this post was mainly just photos from our visit to Hampstead Heath but I really just liked them all so much and wanted to show you what a beautiful place it is! 🙂